

A decade of strides: worker voices resonate In Ambur 

Cividep completes 10 years in South India’s leather manufacturing…

Encouraging developments in worker awareness as ‘Together For Decent Leather’ project concludes

How does state-sponsored health insurance help a shoe factory…

Labour abuses in supply chains uncovered. Leather and leather shoes from India

The leather and leather goods industry in India makes a substantial…
Suedwind, Inkota

Human rights due diligence in practice

The debate on corporate human rights responsibility and due diligence…

Socially responsible public procurement of workwear with leather

The Dutch government is a major consumer of workwear, including…

Hides & Hardship. Caste-based discrimination in the leather industry in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan

Leather work is seen in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan as dirty…

Achievements and Outstanding Demands of Together for Decent Leather

The past three years, the Together for Decent Leather consortium…
INKOTA/Südwind Austria

Label Check: Leather and Leather-Shoes

Labour rights and social criteria are neglected by the most common…

OECD side session on “Working better in leather”

From 13 – 17 February 2023, The OECD organised a Forum on Due…
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