Contact us
Together for Decent Leather
KNSM-laan 17
1019 LA Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)20 639 12 91 (Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM)
Together for Decent Leather aims to improve the living and working conditions for workers in the leather value chain. We are calling for an end to labour rights abuses. We are demanding that state actors and companies take responsibility by adhering to and promoting the highest international labour and human rights standards.
We are asking for increased commitment by the private sector to fulfil their human rights due diligence obligations and we are calling on government stakeholders to enforce protection of labour and human rights against abuses by the private sector.
Employers in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan have the responsibility to provide their workers with decent wages and the opportunity to carry out their work within decent working conditions and with respect to other fundamental labour rights.
To encourage their suppliers in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, international brands and retailers also play a pivotal role in the leather-based garment, footwear and accessories value chains.
If they exercised improved human rights due diligence and responsible business conduct, including decent purchasing practices, this would enable manufacturers along the supply chain to respect human rights and labour rights.
Governments also have the duty to protect the labour and human rights. Several government support improvement initiatives have already been developed at national and international level. What is currently missing is a robust regulatory framework that obliges companies to comply with labour and human rights standards, along with incentives to promote sustainable practices.